Newspapers of Newburgh

In 1848 the publication the first newspaper in Warrick County began at Newburgh. This was a Whig paper called the Chronicle and was established by RS Terry. It existed for about two years and was succeeded in 1850 by the Warrick Democrat, a Breckinridge Democratic entity. Calvin Frary was editor and remained such for about ten years, giving Warrick County one of the best papers published in it. On the 1st of January 1859 this paper moved to Boonville where it remained a little over year and was returned to Newburgh. In 1862 its publication was suspended. The Newburgh Tribune was established in 1854.

In May 1867 Jacob V. Admire began the publication of the Warrick Herald. It was a strong advocate of the principles of the Republican party. After a short but vigorous struggle for existence it was forced suspend for lack of readership.

  • The Newburgh Museum in a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.