Newburgh Museum highlights artifacts and local persons of the past to educate students about the geography and history of the Warrick County area. Our museum extends beyond four walls as we bring the history and culture of the area to you!
Brought to you by the Christian Science Foundation
Jefferson Street School Geography Bee circa 1910
Learning can ‘Bee’ fun! A ‘Geography Bee’ is an exciting way for students to learn geography and history. Using artifacts from the past, Newburgh Museum showcases rare and beautiful maps from the Jefferson Street School.
View VideoWhat Street Do You Live On?
This video highlights five historic Newburgh families and the roads that bear their names. Family heirlooms, old newspaper clippings and photographs featured at the Newburgh Museum help to tell their interesting stories.
View VideoDr. Mary E. Phelps
Orphaned at an early age Mary became Newburgh’s first female medical doctor. She was well-travelled and educated. At a local level, Dr. Phelps helped lead the Women’s Suffrage movement and generously gave of her time and treasure to benefit the Newburgh community.
View VideoCorneal B. McCormick
A man of many talents, C. B. McCormick was a merchant, musician, and maestro. Handcrafting violins using homemade tools, he brought music to Newburgh’s ears. His musical compositions also earned worldwide renown. Displayed at the Newburgh Museum are some of his tools, sheet music and a violin.
View VideoMade in Newburgh
Who made furniture in the early frontier days of Newburgh? Not a furniture store!! Manufactured furniture was scarce. Many families made their own tables, chairs and beds. Featured is the handmade Kuebler family cradle where many a Kuebler baby ‘rocked the cradle’ and the toddler sized rocking chair made just right for the youngest daughter of Thomas Bethell.
View VideoA Walk With the Bethell Boys
Thomas and Union Bethell were prominent citizens of Newburgh. Both were successful merchants, leaders in the local military and prominent citizens in the community. Their lives of ‘Civic Duty’ were exemplary.
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